Cohiba Behike Most Expensive Cuban Cigar
Finally, one of the Cohiba greatest secrets came to light. Behike from Cohiba, taking the name of the doctor of the Taino Tribe for the 40th anniversary of the Cuban brand. Launched with a promise of setting a new standard among smokers, this cigar is all set to go on sale in mid June. Said to be the most expensive cigar produced by Cohiba), it has generated a lot of excitement and anticipation among cigar enthusiasts.
Simon Chase, a semi-retired director of the British cigar importers Hunters & Frankau, founded in 1790, said: There is a particular type of rare leaf in the Behike… there is something in the blend that makes it very interesting, very special. I’ve been in the cigar business fo 30 years… and I would say that this will make a very serious bid to become the best cigar in the world.
The rare leaf is a part of the tobacco plant called the medio tiempo, taken from the upper leaves of the plant, but which not every plant produces, making it rare.
Cohiba Behike Most Expensive Cuban Cigar
There will be three Behike sizes which in the UK will sell at £25 ($36), £33 ($48) and £39 ($57) each respectively. The U.S. economic trade embargo against Cuba means that Cohiba Behikes will not officially be exported to or officially be on sale in the U.S..
Cohiba Behike Most Expensive Cuban Cigar