Known for their unique cognacs, Martell has now launched the Cohiba Cognac, a cognac with the strength, depth and character to be the perfect accompaniment to Cohiba cigars.The blend of the new Cognac is made from exceptional eaux-de-vie which are aged between 40 and 50 years in oak casks. 50 years is half a century and you can very well imagine that during this period it takes on the wood’s rich notes as well as an amber hue. In the end it finishes with 43% alcohol volume and that is what makes it perfect for consuming with cigars.
Paying tribute to the history and heritage of Cuban cigars, the Cohiba Cognac comes in an elegant bottle with a silk-screen print of a typical Cuban tobacco field landscape. The Cognac comes in a special wood presentation box with open front and rotating carousel so that the bottle can be viewed from all sides.
A bottle of the Maretll’s Cohiba Cognac has been priced at HKD5,000 ($650) and will become available for sale very soon from January 2011.