Jay Z is truly aficionado of a good cigars, so no wonder why the hip-hop mogul teamed up with Dominican cigar company Cohiba to create the Cohiba Comador – a cigar that blends “leaves from the most revered Caribbean and Central American growing regions.” “I worked with Cohiba because I knew they’d take my vision of a luxury cigar and bring it to life in the right way” Carter explained in a press release. “We took our time working on this, to get the blend to exactly where I wanted it to be. Comador looks and tastes the way I think a cigar should.” Jay Z, who previously workedwith Zino Platinum Cigars and graced the cover of Cigar Aficionado.
Comador was created by the master blenders of Cohiba who spent two years developing a super premium smoke, handcrafted in Santiago, Dominican Republic, with tobacco leaves sourced from the Caribbean and Central America. Comador is adorned with a rare Connecticut Havana wrapper leafe grown in the United States, which aged for four years and finished in Dominican barrels.
The cigars come in three sets. A limited edition desktop pebbled-leather humidor and is available for purchase at a $999.99. It includes a “striking, pebbled leather humidor,” a smaller travel case and 21 cigars. There is also a smaller hand plated travel humidor, priced at $350.00 and includes seven cigars in a case that’s lined with “fragrant Spanish cedar to protect the flavor. Comador Toro Box also contains seven cigars but in a matte box that features the brand’s signature crest and is priced at $210.