City under water in China is the place where it is possible to travel through time. The Chinese National Geographic magazine published a series of pictures of the City of Lions (Shicheng) and thus re- awakened great interest to the public about this ancient town under water. City Lions is almost 1,339 years old and is located in the eastern Chinese province of Zhejiang, a submerged under Qiandao Lake.
International archaeologists call him “time capsule”. Because it is protected from erosion, wind, rain and sun the city has managed to maintain in steady state. The stairs of ancient houses and walls are the same as before a thousand years, making the city a true virtual experience for archaeologists and divers. The City of Lions has become a hot tourist attraction. Several diving clubs and operators offer tourists the chance to roam the submerged streets of this unusual destination. A special submarine had also been created to offer tours of the city.
According to the restored map, there are five city gates in all directions of the city. For each of these doors they built a tower, and the city has a total of five towers. In addition, the city also boasts a six streets, which were used to connect every corner of the ancient building. Typical road in the City of Lions are made of stone, neatly paved with stone slabs and gravel. If you want a real adventure, then this is a place which you must visit.