“Dallas” is an American television drama series developed by Cynthia Cidre and produced by Warner Horizon Television. The series is a continuation of the prime time television soap opera of the same name that aired on CBS from 1978 to 1991. The series revolves around the Ewings, a wealthy Dallas family in the oil and cattle-ranching industries. Last year, TNT has renewed the hit drama series Dallas for a third season. If you watched pilot episode of 2012 “Dallas“, you probably noticed the lavish mansion with a large pool and a sunken tennis court. Exactly this house is now listed on sale for a mere $3.75 million.
This ranch-style mansion which is set in a private compound and spans an area of 11,428 square feet features six bedrooms, eight full and three half bathrooms. If talking about luxury amenities there’s a full master wing with separate his-her baths and a large office.
The listing described the place as, “Magnificent estate with true elegance on sprawling and manicured 1.36 acres surrounded by stone wall. Rooms are grand with impeccable finish out.”
Outside, you’ll also find a backyard cabana and a full outdoor kitchen.
“We’re trying to give the show a real sense of place and Dallas has a real personality. It’s a city that does things in a big way. That’s part of J.R. and part of what we try to give the show – a sense of the city, which is big, very well done, shiny, new and looking toward the future,” John Patterson, location manager told The Associated Press in a 2011 interview.
“There was just no way we were going to film anywhere else,” Cynthia Cidre, executive producer of the series told the agency adding that the city was a “mix of the old world and the new world,” which made it perfect for the series’ agenda. This spectacular house at 2504 Beacon Crest Dr in the suburbs of Willow Bend County has been listed by Realty Today.