If you think that Aston Martin Edition of the Silver Cross Surf is the most luxurious and the most expensive pushchair, you’re wrong. Silver Cross has overcame itself when creating a bespoke Balmoral pram that’ll set you back £5,000 ($8,000). This Balmoral pram combines stately elegance with an air of true nostalgia. It features a scarlet red hand-stitched leather hood and matching apron. The pram has a metallic silver carriage, while the C-spring chassis also comes in a colour combination of red and polished silver. Also, it has the large white wheels that have made the Balmoral an iconic pram over the last century. If this isn’t your favorite colour, you’ll be able to order your pram in four other shades. This pushchair can even be fitted with an engraved plaque featuring your baby’s name.
New Silver Cross’ Balmoral pram are limited to only 50 pieces, and will be launched exclusively at Harrods on November 4.
Originally invented in 1877 by William Wilson and considered ‘the world’s most exclusive pram’, a Silver Cross has carried the Queen, her children, grandchildren and great-grandchild George.