Here’s your chance to buy a custom-made Tron Lightcycle replica. The opportunity comes via Charitybuzz, which is auctioning off a replica Lightcycle, otherwise known as a Xenon Light Motor Bike. The bike is all electric, unlike some of the others Tron ‘cycles, and features a handcrafted fiberglass frame and 32-inch hub-less wheels offset by OLED light tape.
It was designed by Parker Brother Choppers and donated by Evolve Motorcycles, which created a custom lithium ion battery system to power the bike’s electric 40,000 watt motor, so the vehicle has a range of 100 miles and a top speed of 50 mph (80 km/h). But, the auction listing cites that the winning bidder will be able to choose the bike’s battery and motor type. The personalization options will also extend to the bike’s light tape color.
If you miss the chance to bid for this vehicle at auction (currently maximum bid is $24,000), Evolve Motorcycles sells it for $55,000. The auction closes on March 14, 2012 with all proceeds benefiting Global Green USA.