If you are looking for concrete sound, check out Concrete Audio! That’s what Nils Landgren, musician & producer said, and here’s why you should agree with him. Materials like glass, fiberglass, reinforced plastics out of others have been used for speaker casing over the years, but concrete? A German company named Concrete Audio managed to involve this high-strength material into music field. Their latest product – an innovative multipurpose wall mounted loudspeaker, the F1 is the winner of the German Design Award 2015.
Designed for use in different spaces and to compliment interior design, the F1 is ultra flat, active and wireless.
Concrete Audio combines an ultra-flat concrete body and the patented array technology developed by Fraunhofer IDMT in a single innovative loudspeaker system. 41 miniature loudspeakers work like a large membrane, allowing for a total depth of only 32 millimetres and giving a convincing performance.
Thanks to Audiofly’s Syncronice Wireless Audio, you can listen music in CD quality with a smartphone, tablet or streamer.
Enjoy synchronised sound from a TV or games console without delays.
Stand out with a pure concrete design or choose from a wide range of colours and surface finishes.
Discreet – Combine the F1 with aluminum or real wooden frames or add a reversible cover with individual motif.