Woodway has been at the forefront of treadmill design and innovation for 40 years. And, the Woodway 4Front treadmill is the culmination of their business. This commercial treadmill is made for running because of its high speed and larger surface area. This treadmill has a maximum speed of 12.5 miles/hour which equates to about a 5 minute pace per mile, a speed fast enough for most runners. 4Front features state-of-the-art technology that provides the user with an experience unlike any other. The treadmill belt is comprised of numerous individual shock-absorbing slats that have been scientifically proven to reduce harmful shock to joints, muscles and connective tissue; a comfort level you wont experience on a conventional treadmill.
Unlike conventional treadmills you see with a conveyor belt style running surface that is made from standard thin PVC, nylon and cotton, treadmill features a patented running surface of vulcanized rubber. This allows our running surface to last for more than 150,000 miles, roughly ten times longer than the belt of an average treadmill.
The incline on the 4Front allows you to mimic hills. The treadmill can increase its slant up to 15%, which is about average across all treadmills, and will allow you to feel the burn of a great hill workout.
The only bad thing about this treadmill is its price of $11,135. But if your neighborhood health club owns one, it’s worth the cost of membership.