A short letter in which the creator of the theory of evolution, Charles Darwin admits he doesn’t believe in the Bible nor in Jesus Christ as the Son of God, could sell for more than £50,000 ($78,000) when hit the auction block on Sept. 21 in New York. In November 1880, British scientist received a letter from a young lawyer Francis McDermott, who says that despite great satisfaction while reading his books, he didn’t lost faith in the New Testament.
“My reason in writing to you therefore is to ask you to give me a Yes or No to the question Do you believe in the New Testament….”
Darwin answered with a few words on November 24, 1880, exactly 21 years after the publication of his famous book “On the Origin of Species”.
“I am sorry to have to inform you that I do not believe in the Bible as a divine revelation, & therefore not in Jesus Christ as the son of God.”
The famous scientist has long avoided to answer this question since the publication of his book in 1859 in which he put forward the theory of natural selection, according to which species have evolved by gene variations. Darwin’s book was scandalized by Christian readers who believe that humans are created in God’s image.
Although very short in comparison with other Darwin’s letters, this message addressed to McDermott is unique due to its theological content.
“If you’re a Darwin collector, it is the ultimate piece. It’s at the crux of the whole debate,” said Cassandra Hatton, senior specialist in the book department at Bonhams auction house, which is the organizer of the auction.