A fine cigar is one of life’s most distinct pleasures. Expert care and storage are an absolute necessity – which is why the serious aficionado takes pride in owning a Davidoff Cigar Humidor. Davidoff humidors are distinct from all other options. Their unique humidification system provides a constant relative humidity of approximately 70% and is capable of automatically correcting humidity fluctuations. The system releases humidity only when the relative humidity sinks below the ideal value. If the value rises due to outside influences, the regulator automatically absorbs the excess humidity.
Davidoff Dome humidor (50-65 cigar count) illustrates the verve and style of brand. The sculptured dome requires hours of painstaking craftsmanship. Each is handmade in France and is is available in 8 different hand lacquered variations with Palladium coated or gilded fittings. The technical perfection of its curvature is a grand artistic innovation worthy of the finest cigars. Prices vary depending on the finish.