We are all excited about the latest collection of handbags that are coming to the stores, and signed by none other than the famous Marc Jacobs. Trendsetters are especially thrilled because the price of many purse will not exceed $500, and are already on sale at Neiman Marcus and Nordstorm stores. The new collection includes simple leather tote bags, as well as those that can be worn over the shoulder, at prices of $400 to $600, while a little more exotic models can cost up to a whopping $5,500.
Everything is just a matter of personal choice, style and taste.
In this collectiion there’s something for everyone. Given the fact that nearly two decades Jacobs was the creative director of fashion house Louis Vuitton, he is more than capable to predict what women want. In combination with his incredible sense of detail and fashion aesthetics we are sure that these bags are winning combination and detail that many trendsetters want for the upcoming season. These are the models: Marc Jacobs and Charms Trinkets Small Saddle Bag, Marc Jacobs Gotham City Bucket Bag, East West and Saddle Tote Bag, Marc Jacobs Marc J Embroidered Python Shoulder Bag and Marc Jacobs Splatter Paint Saddle Bag.