This year, one of the most celebrated cigar companies in the world, Cohiba celebrates its 50th birthday and found the best way to mark that. In addition to the 1,200 guests and unrivaled celebration of the anniversary we must mention the wonderful “Cohiba 50 Aniversario” humidor, which was presented to the public a few days ago.
As something that can easily be described as an authentic work of art, this impeccable collector’s item is a real innovation when it comes to traditional development and technical design.
With actual tobacco leaves built into facades of each wooden cabinet, 24k gold accents across the front doors and a few other key spots, Cohiba 50 Aniversario humidor is a product that many people already want.
Each of these 50 valuable humidor will be personalized with the name of its owner and numbered, while 50 Habanos cigars will delight.
The first of these humidors already sold at auction at the Habanos Festival, for a price of 320,000 euros.
We’re not exactly sure how much the remaining 49 humidor in this special series will cost, but we are sure that for some of those who love cigars and luxury, this information is irrelevant.