If someone tell you that he bought a watch worth $95,000, you would probably think that is covered with gold and diamonds. But this S-110 Evo Venta Black watch which carry a $95,000 price tag is actually luxury wristwatch made of Vantablack.
In case you don’t know, Vantablack is the blackest shade of black the world has ever seen, manufactured by a company called Surrey Nanosystems. The tint, which isn’t really a paint or a pigment, is made up of a complex of carbon nanotubes that, when assembled together, absorb over 99.965 percent of light. The only thing more black than Vantablack is a black hole, according to the British artist who technically owns the shade, Anish Kapoor.
Now, thanks to Swiss watchmaker Manufacture Contemporaine du Temps, you can wear Vantablack on your wrist. Due to the apparent exclusivity of the material and the fact that you have to heat components to about 400 degrees Celsius to apply the material, MCT will only release a total of 10 S-110 Evo Venta Black watches. And the 45mm cushion-shaped watch has a ton of components. It’s not a traditional analog timepiece. Instead of straightforward hands, the watch uses a series of four displays to tell the time. They operate like those interstate billboards with rotating advertisements: on the hour, its small panels flip over to indicate the new time. A traditional minute hand indicates the other important component of the time.
Now, it’s being applied to a watch—the S-110 Evo Venta Black—that can, if nothing else, honestly be claimed as the blackest watch in the entire world.
So, for $95,000 you can be proud of as one of the 10 lucky ones who owns the blackest watch in the entire world.