Just when you think that in the technological field, nothing can surprise you, because we live in an age when technological innovation change in the speed of light, on the market appears a new and smarter device than its predecessor.
Preparing tea since time immemorial been a special ritual for all admirers of this warm and healthy beverage. There is some charms in anticipation of water boiling in an old kettle and adding precious aromatic dried leaves, waiting for tastes, colors and aromas at the end of serving.
What if we tell you that you will alike enjoy with these new smart kettle for tea? This Teforia Brewing System has a unique technological pedigree if we take into account the fact that its creator Alen Han who worked as a designer for Xbox 360 and Amazon. Noting that there is no innovation in the world of tea since the launch of the first teabag 100 years ago, Han has found out a way to get the best tea-taste and quality during its drinking. What’s more, he spent three years trying to develop such a device.
Teforia’s Selective Infusion Profile System (Teforia SIPS) determines the optimal infusion recipe to bring out the best in flavor and complexity to produce tea like you’ve never tasted before. It contains an infusion ball and carafe made of borosilicate glass reinforced plastic without the dangerous bisphenol A.
This device enhances the taste and quality of the beverage to a level that was not available before and allows its users to enjoy the true taste, while taking advantage of all its nutrients.
It comes with pre-built recipes prepared by experts, growers of medicinal plants, as well as scientists who are dealing with this issue.
Teforia owns iOS and Android applications to make the experience of drinking tea an absolute pleasure. You can wirelessly adjust recipes to get new, give the message over the Internet and connect with other tea addicts worldwide. The price of this smart device is $1,500.