Selfie sticks have long been on the market, but now there is a new way of making selfie photos – with SelfieFeet.
It is about elastic band with a magnet placed on the foot, and which is operated by remote control via Bluetooth.
Creators of SelfieFeet said they wanted to offer hands-free ability to create selfi photo. Attaching the phone to the foot was the most logical solution.
Moreover, selfie sticks are banned in some restaurants, bars and museums.
SelfieFeet is simple: just strap it to your foot or wherever, attach a smartphone, pose and use a remote Bluetooth fob to operate the shutter. Simple.
SelfieFeet app works with Android and iPhone. SelfieFeet uses the latest version of Bluetooth: v4.0 Low Energy for power saving and longer battery life.
The price for SelfieFeet is $25.