Prada launches a series of short movies directed by filmmaker Autumn de Wilde. Divided into two main stories, “The Postman Dreams 2” starring the iconic Prada Galleria bag, and “The Postman’s Gifts” featuring the accessories collection, this is de Wilde’s second collaboration with Prada, following the pair’s initial partnership in 2015.
Here, the director devises her own imaginary vistas and mise en scène, inspired not just by her own obsessions but those of others. Desire, pleasure, eventual satisfaction – these are the underlying themes of these non-sequential, fabulist chapters – divided into four main stories.
The central protagonist – our heroine – is the Prada Galleria bag, a key plot-point in each film. It is a shared focus and object of desire: the thread connecting each of the instalments, alongside our hero, Hollywood star Elijah Wood as the enigmatic ‘Postman’.
Humorous and whimsical, with a touch of daydream and moments of pure surreal wit, each film presents itself as a self-contained fragment. These films are a fantasy, to be indulged. A gift to be enjoyed.