After news from New York that might prohibit the use of plastic straws, another news arrives.
Berlin coffee maker of the start-up company Kaffeeform creates a new material. Product maker Julian Lechner became obsessed with the idea that he would create a formula from the old recyclable coffee grounds to form a completely new type of material.
After three years of experimentation, Kaffeeform created a formula that creates new products from old coffee.
Lechner used a recycled coffee and natural glue to create a sustainable and ecological alternative to mineral oil based products. For example, one cup and saucer can be made from the waste of six consumed cups of espresso.
“As the global coffee consumption is steadily growing, the coffee grounds that are basically waste, will be available en masse”, Lechner says. “Kaffeeform uses this wasted ressources, to creative a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to products based on mineral oils.”
All Kaffeeform cups look like they are made of dark wood, they smell like coffee, are very lightweight, can be washed in the dishwasher and are long-lasting.