Cohiba cigars were first created in Cuba after that country’s revolution and the Cuban version has never been legally sold in the United States due to the U.S embargo on Cuba. General Cigar registered the trademark in the U.S. in 1981 and has been selling a Dominican-made version of Cohiba since the 1980s. Now, Cohiba cigars reached a peak of luxury with new version, priced at $90 per cigar, or $900 for a container of 10, the most expensive Cohiba General has ever made.
Cohiba Spectre is comprised of tobaccos from five countries, with select leaves aged in Spanish Sherry barrels.
Wrapped in an Ecuador Sumatra leaf with a Connecticut Broadleaf binder and fillers from Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican beneath, Spectre’s profile is complex, bold, and refined. Your palate will be treated to hints of earth, coffee, cedar, and a bit of raisin-like sweetness.
This incredible cigar is crafted by one master roller and one buncher with a combined expertise of nearly 50 years, ensuring each cigar has art has world-class construction and consistency.
Cohiba Spectre is limited to only 180 boxes, so hurry if you want to enjoy this exceptional work of art.