The Gucci Dionysus handbag is the brand’s biggest bag of Fall 2015. Now this iconic handbag will get an urban upgrade. Following this month’s release of Gucci’s Dionysus City Bag dedicated to Milan, January will see a slew of additional releases paying tribute to eight different cities. Each bag will feature the trademark GG Supreme canvas and tiger head clasp alongside appliqué details designed to pay homage to a different major city anywhere in the world. The flagship stores in Rome, London, Paris, New York, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Dubai will each carry their own special version of the signature Gucci shoulder bag.
If you expected to see British flags or Empire State Building insignia, you’re wrong. Designs for each bag are special such as a pair of lips and pink lightning bolts on New York bag or a Kingsnake, a rose and a butterfly on London bag.
Inside each bag, there is also an embroidered leather bee motif patch, along with the name of the city that each style is dedicated to.
Gucci’s preexisting Dionysus bags retail between $2,100 and $3,290.