A note written by Albert Einstein, on which he explains his theory of happy life, appeared in public after 95 years, and was auctioned in Jerusalem. A famous physicist wrote a note in 1922 during a visit to Japan where he held lectures, shortly after he learned that he would receive the Nobel Prize for Relativity Theory, and handed to the courier. A Japanese courier arrived at the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo to deliver Einstein a message.
According to the story, the courier or did not want to accept tip, or Einstein had no small money with himself, for which he offered him two handwritten notes.
“Maybe if you’re lucky those notes will become much more valuable than just a regular tip, Einstein told the messenger, according to the seller, a resident of the German city of Hamburg who wished to remain anonymous. “The quiet and modest life brings more joy than a pursuit of success bound with constant unrest,” it says on one note, while on the other it read: “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”
Messages don’t have any value from the aspect of physics, however, they can reflect Einstein’s psyche, and his emotional thinking.