Add a challenge to your pool with the safest, “coolest” poolside recreation that attracts teens and tweens while taking up minimal deck and water space. AquaClimb, an aqua-sport firm has manufactured an exclusive climbing wall for swimming pools!
These custom made poolside rock climbing walls are a fun and slippery twist on the great sport of rock climbing. Best of all, it requires no ropes, harnesses, or other typical rock climbing gear.
A safe, fun alternative to slides and diving boards, AquaClimb walls make a great addition to your fitness and recreation programs, provide supplemental training for aquatic sports teams, and are a unique, fun way for kids to learn about climbing, take risks in a controlled environment, and develop healthy skills for life.
The AquaClimb Sport wall retails anywhere between $6,500 to $10,000 depending on the version you opt for.