What do you think first when you look at this handbag signed by designer Simon Miller?
Does it remind you on rolled-up paper bag for lunch, which is almost a cliché in all American movies?
Just such a lunch bag was an inspiration for creating an ultra-modern 100% leather handbag. The lunch bag, as its name says, is designed to carry the charm of a traditional paper bag for lunch, but it’s a flawless style. It comes in several sizes and colors and is offered in black, yellow or vibrant turquoise.
Although it seems like you can take food in it, it’s recomendation to wear it as a clutch bag with the best dress combinations.
When the Simon Miller brand started with the creation of a jeans for men nearly ten years ago, we did not even dream to design a purse that would be accessory that everyone wants. Naturally, you can own it, and prices range from $345.