Davidoff cigars always maintain the standards of quality and excellence. Davidoff and his sophisticated sense of enjoyment is definitely brought noticeable shift in the jet set. It has become common to expensive Dom Perignon champagne served with Davidoff. Davidoff cigars has definitely become a measure of elitism.
Davidoff has unveiled its latest limited edition cigar, the Masters Edition “Club House” Toro. The 6 ¼ inches long cigars are handcrafted by the brand’s tobacco masters and has been created by mixing rare and specially matured tobaccos. The Gran Toro formatted cigar created in an Yamasá wrapper with a Mejorado filler and Ecuadorian binder.
It gives out mildly peppery and creamy notes, with hints of chocolate, caramel and coffee. The Masters Edition “Club House” Toro cigar comes in a high gloss white box of 10 cigars, each box costing $219, and a single cigar priced at $21.90. This Limited Edition has been available from the end of May across the US and is limited to only 7000 boxes worldwide.
Tobaccos that are used in a variety of blends, grown in accordance with the oldest ancient traditions, the most fertile soils are in ideal climatic conditions. All Davidoff cigars are handmade and the tradition of creating a cigar passed from generation to generation.