In case you don’t know, Doraemon is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Fujiko Fujio, which later became an anime series and an Asian franchise. The main character, a robotic cat named Doraemon, was named the most popular character among children in Japan in December 2012. Also, it is one of the best-selling manga in the world, having sold over 100 million copies. So, no wonder why such a famous cat deserved to be immortalized in a shape of statue worth 8 million yuan ($1.28 million).
This pure platinum Doraemon is currently on display at the World Trade Plaza in Huhan, Central China’s Hubei province. What makes it world’s most expensive Doraemon is fact that it is covered with 2342 diamonds, 861 rubies, 4074 sapphires, and 394.43 grams of 16-carat platinum.
Still don’t know details on the availability and the creator of this extravagant piece.