Line of bags of this famous lady, and embodiment of elegance by Victoria Beckham, is becoming better and better. A smaller version of her Liberty bags, Quincy tote bag is simple and at the same time elegant. The bag is handmade in Italy from high quality laser cut leather with lining in cream color. With this laser cutting of materials, body bags received a stunning contrasting effect. Also, the bag comes with shoulder strap that can be adjusted to your preference, and there are two handles for carrying in hand.
This bag is the perfect as a everyday companion for active ladies. It measures 12.5×9.5x.6.25, which means that it is a small, but yet very practical because it has enough space for all the necessities of a lady. Cotton lining of this stylish bag has an internal side pocket and one pocket with zip closure. If you like it, you can have it at a price of 2,450 US dollars.