Italian luxury fashion house, Fendi teamed up with the high-end Italian children’s accessory brand Inglesina, to create luxurious accessory for our youngest friends. They sought to create baby accessory that will provide, beside security, fashionable lifestyle for infants, but I’d rather say, for their parents. Fendi and Inglesina vision of a child’s first car has been converted into collection that includes fold-away stroller, a traditional pram and a baby carrier.
Made from the finest materials to provide intense warmth, security and comfort for the baby, these baby accessories come in shades of cream, blue and mahogany, complete with the luxury signature Fendi trimmings and Fendi logo.
Fendi-Inglesina pram features an advanced ventilation system, adjustable backrest, shock absorbers and is priced at £1,240 ($1,950), while the stroller is priced at just £750 ($1,200). Fendi Inglesina uber-stylish baby accessories collection is available at Harrods.