Harrison K-9 Security Service Dogs
Would You pay $230,000 to make your home a safe heaven? I would if it includes CCTv’s, body guards and stuff, but if only a dog then… Harrison K-9, the famous home security provider for 36 years, provide you just that for the so called best home security.
You might, however, be wondering why anyone would buy a dog that costs more than the median price of a house. Now it may sound weird, because a German Shepherd costs a lot less than that. But the K9’s at Harrison K-9 are different. They are specially trained dogs, who can sniff dangers from miles away and avert it too. But the best part, they are people friendly.
As Harrison K-9 spokesman Doug Holland admits, the skyrocketing cost of the dogs says something about the degree of uncertainty out there today. Families, professional athletes, entertainers, law enforcement agencies, and more are all often willing to shell out big bucks for dogs that they feel will protect their treasured people and property.
All of Harrison K-9’s European German Shepherds are put through rigorous training for the first three years of their life while living in Germany. These features also contribute to the dog’s high cost, as well as, their exceptional lineage. The dogs start training at just eight weeks and we continue to train them up until they are three years old, which is when we sell them, said K-9 owner Harrison Prather. All of the dogs are raised in homes with children in Germany. The average life span for these dogs is 13 to 15 years. It’s sort of like comparing a Mercedes with a Volkswagen.
Potential customers could just go for electronic security systems, but Harrison K-9 mentions the following reasons as to why dogs do a better job:
- Canine hearing abilities pick-up suspicious sounds earlier then alarm systems.
- Canine barking alerts homeowners and neighbors too quickly.
- Criminals fear being attacked by a dog.
- Criminals know confronting a dog is much more hazardous than dealing with an alarm system.
Today, Harrison K-9 is selling more dogs than at any time in their long history, but that number could be significantly larger if they could get dogs faster. We supply dogs each year in the range of $40,000 to $230,000, said Prather. Some German Shepherds can sell up to $2 to $3 million in Germany. These dogs are family dogs 100 percent of the time but they have an innate ability to determine if something is wrong.
Pricey protection pets may not be for everyone, but they certainly seem to be selling well at a time when most of us are watching our wallets.