With over 50 years of experience providing handmade, luxury cigars, Camacho Cigars offers its newest, Liberty Series 2012, which is as the company considered the best cigar Honduras has ever offered!
Unlike previous years when the Camacho (as part of Davidoff) used tobaccos from a variety of different origins, as well as vintages for making the Liberty, this year blend is unique one. Camacho Liberty Series 2012 uses four priming’s solely from our authentic Corojo crop of 2008, all grown on the same lot, specifically for this cigars. This unique cigars features a dark, oily Honduran Habano wrapper, a rich Honduran binder, and a blend of powerful, but well-aged Honduran and Dominican long-fillers, providing two-hour of quality and relaxing smoke.
The Camacho Liberty 2012 is limited to 40,000 cigars in total (2000 boxes of 20 cigars), and each cigar wrapped in tissue paper, then packed into individually numbered humidor-quality Spanish cedar boxes. An individual cigar costs $16.80 and a full box runs $336.